We are proud to confirm that every single one of our products are both individually tested and batch tested during development and manufacturing to ensure that their high quality is maintained throughout. We sometimes put our products out to the trade market first to test them in a realtime environment before sales are introduced in the UK, followed by 3 months worth of trials before being sold worldwide. Many of our products have been tested by online Marine magazines and publications around Europe. Our products always receive a good value for money rating as well as a good to excellent performance rating some of which are featured on our products shown on our store.

All of our products come with a guaranteed full warranty to clean and protect as per their guidelines. Each product is blended specifically to meet these requirements, and can be diluted or strengthened to increase performance where required.

We continually monitor our products around the world to ensure they can withstand the high UV volumes, whilst constantly improving the blends to ensure additional cleaning power and protection is available for these regions.

We aim to keep your maintenance costs to a minimum whilst ensuring you get maximum protection for your paint or gelcoat from the UV elements that destroy or damage these surfaces. Our sealant system guarantees to reduce the need for continual polishing and help reducing gloss loss.

We thank all our clients around the world for their continued support in making AGlaze one of the top cleaning/protection brands over the last 12 years.


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